Defining Gap Fund and Accelerator Program (Gap)

About Us 

Innovosource has launched initiatives and supported programs that advance promising research institution technology and startups from the lab to corporate collaboration and outside investment. Our unique focus is on informing research institution leaders and developing strategic industry and investor relationships with gap fund and accelerator programs. Our passion in starting innovosource was leverage our experience and expertise in these GAP programs to close the distance by bringing together key members of the innovation community—research institutions, high-tech companies, early-stage investors, and government agencies through direct partnerships and knowledge-exchange.

Raising and Sustaining Gap Funding

Sustaining funding for GAP programs is often a significant challenge. At GAP COA, we share best practices and proven strategies to raise and sustain GAP funding effectively. Our community collaborates to explore diverse funding sources, including grants, investments, and partnerships, ensuring long-term viability for GAP initiatives.

Collaborating with Commercial and Investment Partners

Collaborating with external commercial and investment partners is essential for the growth and sustainability of programs. We offer guidance on how academic institutions can attract and establish fruitful collaborations with industry partners and investors.

Evaluating Technologies and Startups 

Making informed decisions about technologies and startups is vital for allocating resources wisely. Our community assists GAP leaders in evaluating technologies and startups, providing them with the necessary tools and frameworks to make data-driven choices for grants and investments.

Innovosource proudly presents GAP COA, the Community of Action Program for academic-affiliated innovation, proof of concept, startup, and venture gap fund and accelerator programs. Established in 2018, GAP COA has become the go-to resource for university, hospital, and research institution leaders aiming to establish or enhance their gap fund and accelerator initiatives.

The journey of GAP COA is backed by over 17 years of dedicated support for more than 300 gap fund and accelerator programs through the innovosource Mind the Gap initiative. Our mission is to foster a collaborative environment that nurtures innovation, encourages entrepreneurial spirit, and empowers academic institutions to transform groundbreaking ideas into tangible real-world solutions.


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